
The club has an active and enthusiastic senior membership. The club has been named Senior Club of the Year three times and is continuing to achieve success at all levels.


Senior interclub

Sunnyhills enters several teams into the summer and winter senior interclub competition each year. The senior interclub competition is a great way for you to challenge your skills in a tournament format. There are several formats of play which include doubles, mixed doubles and singles. There is also a wide range of player skill level in interclub, so don't be shy in putting your hand up for the competition.

If you want to know more about the senior interclub competition, please reach out to the club captain.


Social tennis

There are a variety of senior social events during the year including Club Open Days, a Twilight competition, and social Sundays. There are also a number of players participating in the Business House Competition at Scarbro Tennis Centre.

SHTC also participates in the local Fisher Cup and Cucksey Shield tournaments each year. These tournaments have been held since the 1970’s with six other local tennis clubs (Koru, Bucklands Beach, Cockle Bay, Howick & Pakuranga).

SHTC also holds our senior club championships with a mixed doubles, men's and women's singles tournament and a men's and women's doubles tournament. In addition to club champs winners trophies, we also offer trophies to other categories to encourage participation and good sportsmanship e.g. Most Improved player award, Best team captain award, Tennis Nut award and the Betty Fyers award for behind the scenes contributions.

Women's Club Captain:   Rebecca Meiring

Mobile:   02108148553



Men's Club Captain:  David Gate

Mobile:   021 025 71283
